If you're hosting a not-for-profit community event, supply your guests with clean, fresh and free drinking water from our portable drinking fountains or water trailer.
There must be a water main connection available where your event is taking place. If you’re not sure if the site has a water main connection, give us a call on 1800 050 500.
Portable drinking fountains
While our portable drinking fountains are easy to connect and use, they are heavy.
The bottle refill station and bubbler units each weigh 23kg and are approximately 136cm length x 50cm wide x 23cm high when packed.
We recommend bringing along a second person to help you transport them from our office into your vehicle.
Watch how to set up our portable drinking fountains.
Portable drinking fountains application form
To book the portable drinking fountains, complete the online form below.
Water trailer
Our water trailer is also available for major community not-for-profit events that expect more than 4,000 attendees. To book the water trailer, complete our water trailer application form.
Our water trailer is available for major community events.