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Warragul north-east sewer upgrade
We’re replacing a section of the sewer main in the north-east of Warragul to allow for growth.
Warragul is rapidly expanding and has experienced significant growth over the last decade. Land in the north-east of the town has been rezoned, creating a larger residential growth corridor.
The existing sewer main that services this area was installed in 1971. It’s ageing and isn’t big enough to meet the needs of the town into the future. So that we can meet the expected urban growth, we’re replacing a section of the existing main with a larger main with more capacity.
The new main will continue to transport wastewater from the north-east of Warragul to our wastewater treatment plant on Albert Road.

Fast Facts
This project will enable growth to continue in the north-east of Warragul by constructing approximately 1.5km of the Warragul north-east sewer main. The new larger pipe will transport more wastewater.
Location: The section of sewer main we’re replacing extends from Sutton Street to our wastewater treatment plant on Albert Road in Warragul.
Timing: Construction will start in 2024 and be completed in mid 2025.
More information
Customer benefits
The pipeline will:
- Increase the capacity of the sewerage system in the north-east of Warragul to cater for future growth
- Reduce the risk of spills, associated costs and environmental impacts
- Reduce the risk of main failures by replacing an ageing asset.
Environment and heritage
Like with all our works, we want to minimise environmental and cultural heritage impacts. Things we've done to minimise our environmental and cultural heritage impacts include:
- Undertook cultural heritage assessments to develop a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for construction
- Completed environmental assessments, including targeted studies for Giant Gippsland Earthworm, Warragul Burrowing Crayfish and native vegetation
We'll implement a Construction Environmental Management Plan to ensure we don't impact areas outside the construction zone.
We'll use low impact construction techniques, such as underground boring rather than open trenching, in sensitive areas
Consultation and engagement
We have consulted relevant authorities and stakeholders. We also welcome direct comments and enquiries from the community at any time.
Project timing
- Design and planning
2023-24 and 2024-25
- Construction planned
Find out more
For more information, email contactus@gippswater.com.au or phone 1800 050 500.