The sites total nearly 18ha of lowland forest and swampy riparian woodland habitat.
They provide habitat for threatened flora, including the Strzelecki gum (eucalyptus strzeleckii), green scentbark (eucalyptus fulgens).
The site contains excellent habitat for endangered fauna species such as the giant Gippsland earthworm (megascolides australis) and grey goshawk (accipiter novaehollandiae novaehollandiae). It's also home to a significant population of the critically endangered, Warragul burrowing crayfish which inhabits waterways and low-lying areas.
Both sites are permanently protected and managed under Landowner Agreements.
Over the next 10 years, we'll work to conserve and improve the site as part of a formal agreement. Planned works include:
- Eradication of woody weeds such as sweet pittosporum (pittosporum undulatum), hawthorn (crataegus monogyna subsp. monogyna) and blackberry (rubus fruticosus).
- Control of pest animals including deer, foxes and rabbits.