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We’re constantly planning for the future and upgrading your water and wastewater services.
Through our planned renewal program, we replace ageing water mains and upgrade sewer mains across our service area.
We replace water mains by installing a new water main in a similar alignment to the existing main. We then connect customers to the new main.
When we replace old water mains, we assess whether the size of pipe we’re replacing is still suitable for the current demand and decide if we need to replace it with a larger main to continue meeting demand as towns grow. Our team carefully analyses the expected future demand so we don’t install more costly larger pipes if they aren’t needed.
We clean sewer mains and reline them to improve the integrity of the existing pipe and increase their life into the future.
What we’re doing this year 2024-25
Already this year, we’ve relined almost 6km of sewer main in Traralgon and Morwell.
We’ve replaced almost 5km of water mains in Morwell, Traralgon, Churchill, Sale and Stratford.
Over the rest of the year, we’ll be replacing water mains in Newborough, Noojee, Sale, Wurruk, Heyfield and Maffra.
Fast facts
Our water and sewer main upgrade program, replaces ageing water mains and upgrades sewer mains across our service area.
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Customer benefits
More secure water supply and wastewater services for customers.
Less chance of breaks and service interruptions.
Consultation and engagement
We let customers near works know about what we’re doing and any interruption to their water and wastewater services before we start work.
We welcome direct comments and enquiries from the community at any time.
Environment and cultural heritage
Like with all our works, we want to minimise environmental and cultural heritage impacts.
Project timing
Between the start of 2025 and June 2025 we'll be replacing water mains in the following streets:
- Central Avenue, Newborough
- Monash Road, Newborough
- March St, Newborough
- Tyers Street, Newborough
- Henty Street, Noojee
- Mt Baw Baw Tourist Road, Noojee
- School Roaw, Noojee
- Picton Court, Sale
- Eremin Court, Wurruk
- Maffra Road, Heyfield
- Knight Street, Maffra
All scheduled sewer relining works for 2024-25 have been completed. We'll be relining sewer mains as issues in the system present themselves.