Freedom of Information

The Freedom of information Act (1982) (the Act) aims to promote openness, accountability and transparency within the Victorian public service by giving members of the public the right to access official documents created by the Victorian Government and its agencies.

The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) has more information about your rights regarding Freedom of Information (FOI) and our obligations as a Victorian Government Agency.

How to make an FOI request in Victoria

How to make a freedom of information request in Victoria

As a Victorian Government Agency, we publish and permit access to a large amount of information outside of the Act. Please read our Part II Statement to find out more about free, quick and convenient access to the information you require.

If your request sits outside of these options, you must apply for access under the Act.

How to make a valid FOI request

FOI requests are completed quicker and easier when the applicant and the FOI Officer work together. Our FOI Officers are bound to administer the Act in a specific way and required to keep you informed on your request throughout the process.

The following include requirements and helpful ways to ensure your request is resolved as quickly as possible;

  • Your request must be in writing.
  • You must pay an application fee of $30.60, however if payment of this application fee would cause you hardship, you can request to have the fee waived full or in part with a health care or pension card.
  • You must provide sufficient information about the documents you are requesting to help us identify and locate relevant documents.
  • We cannot create any new record/s to suit your request. Example: ‘I would like to know the amount of money spent on xx’ cannot be granted as it does not refer to a particular document.
  • Where possible identify record types and time frames. Example: ’a report about xx created between 1 January 2019 to 8 June 2019.
  • Avoid phrases like ‘all documents in relation to’ and ‘including but not limited to’, as these will almost certainly require further correspondence from our FOI Officer to narrow down the request.
  • If you ask for documents on behalf of another person, we may ask you for a signed consent form.
  • Specify the format you would like to receive the records. Example: copies sent via post, emailed or inspect originals at our Traralgon office.
  • Specify whether you would like complete documents or would like irrelevant or exempt material removed.
  • You must include enough detail for us to contact you for further information/ clarification is required. Example: an email is a quicker form of correspondence then a postal address.

Payment and fees

After you submit a request, our FOI Officer will get back to you with payment options. They will also let you know of any other expected charges relating to the request.

A non-refundable application fee of $32.70 is required to make an FOI request- we can waive this fee with proof of hardship (health care or pension card).

The following charges may also be required depending on the request;

  • Searching for information - $24.50 per hour.
  • Supervision (if requesting physical access to original records) - $6.13 up to 15 minutes, 15-30 minutes $12.25 and 45-60 minutes $24.50.
  • Photo copying – 20 cents per black and white A4 page.

Should we estimate the charge to be greater than $50, we will ask you to provide a deposit or we can work together to narrow down and modify the request.

Further details on these FOI charges are available on OVIC’s website.

After you submit a request

Our FOI officers will guide you through the FOI process, keep in regular contact about the status of your request and inform you on your rights and responsibilities.

We have 30 days from receipt of a valid request to fulfil your application, however we may extend the time up to 30 days for lengthy requests. Should we require this, we will contact you with details for the extension.

Part II Information Statement

We release a large amount of information for public access. This information statement as specified in the Act is designed to assist you in;

  • finding out about us;
  • seeing the types of information and records we create and publish on our website
  • seeing how we manage our FOI requests;
  • identifying information and documents that can be obtained outside of an FOI request; and
  • deciding whether you need to make an FOI request.

Information Statement

Information about our corporate structure, functions, governance, policies and legislation is available in our Annual Report and the Governance section of our website via the links below.

  • Board of Directors
  • Our Management Team
  • Corporate Documents

We create a large number of records in the course of our work. We use a Victorian Electronic Strategy (VERS) approved Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) to manage our corporate information, as well as specialised systems to manage financial, human resource and other operational activities relating to our water supply, waterways, and drainage and sewerage responsibilities.

Document Types

The types of documents we create and handle include;

  • policies, procedures, and guidelines;
  • briefings and reports;
  • registers and databases;
  • correspondence;
  • applications, permits, agreements, leases, licenses;
  • meeting records;
  • financial records; and
  • audio visual material

Information published or available under PART II of the Act can be viewed on our website or via original copy at our Traralgon premises by appointment.

Authorised Freedom of Information Officer

Gippsland Water

55 Hazelwood Rd

Traralgon Vic 3844

Phone: 1800 050 500

Historical archives and our predecessor agencies are publicly available for viewing at the (Public Records Office Victoria).

Victorian Government Agency

Date Active

PROV Reference Number

Central Gippsland Region Water Authority (Gippsland Water)

1994- cont.

VA 4094

Boolarra Waterworks Trust


VA 4601

Churchill Sewerage Authority


VA 4122

City of Sale (Water and Wastewater Authority)

1983 - 1994

VA 4689

Drouin Sewerage Authority


VA 1975

Drouin Waterworks Trust

1935- 1984

VA 2084

Hernes Oak Waterworks Trust


VA 4598

Heyfield Sewerage Authority


VA 1986

Heyfield Waterworks Trust

1973- 1984

VA 2100

Latrobe Region Water Authority (Traded as Gippsland Water)


VA 4688

Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board


VA 1430

Macalister Water Board


VA 4124

Maffra Sewerage Authority

1938 - 1984

VA 2001

Maffra Waterworks Trust

1913- 1984

VA 2125

Mirboo North Sewerage Authority


VA 4674

Mirboo North Waterworks Trust


VA 4599

Mirboo Water Board


VA 2673

Moe Sewerage Authority


VA 4125

Moe Water Board


VA 2239

Moe Waterworks Trust


VA 4126

Morwell Sewerage Authority


VA 4093

Morwell Water Board


VA 2241

Morwell Waterworks Trust


VA 4127

Neerim South Water Works Trust


VA 2142

Noojee Waterworks Trust


VA 2143

Rosedale District Water Board


VA 2251

Rosedale Sewerage Authority


VA 4128

Rosedale Waterworks Trust


VA 4092

Sale City Council Waterworks


VA 2188

Sale Sewerage Authority


VA 2026

Seaspray Waterworks Trust


VA 4129

Stratford Waterworks Trust


VA 2159

Thorpdale Waterworks Trust


VA 4131

Trafalgar Waterworks Trust


VA 4132

Traralgon Sewerage Authority


VA 2039

Traralgon Water Board


VA 2220

Traralgon Waterworks Trust


VA 2164

Tyers and Glengarry Waterworks Trust


VA 4133

Warragul Sewerage Authority


VA 2043

Warragul Waterworks Trust


VA 2172

Yallourn North Sewerage Authority


VA 4134

Yallourn North Waterworks Trust


VA 4135

Yarragon Waterworks Trust


VA 2336

You can receive updates on our activities via our social media channels FacebookLinked inTwitter and Instagram.

Under the Statement of Obligations issued by the Minister for Water, we are a statutory authority and as such, required to comply with various State and Commonwealth legislation.

Under the Water Act 1989 we can also make by-laws as required.

e also publish many of our internal rules, policies and procedures online.

  • (Privacy Policy)
  • (Customer Charter)
  • (Public Interest Disclosures Policy)
  • (Gift, Benefits and Hospitality Policy)
  • (Family Violence Policy)
  • (Hardship Policy)
  • (Environment and Climate Change Policy)
  • (Trade Waste Policy)
  • (Trade Waste Customer Charter)
  • (Water Supply and Sewerage Easement Policy)

We have two authorised FOI Officers who are fully trained in FOI administration to best assist you throughout your FOI request.

You can contact our FOI Officers:

Authorised Freedom of Information Officer

Gippsland Water

55 Hazelwood Rd

Traralgon Vic 3844

Phone: 1800 050 500

We have the following committees and Board directors are members;

  • Board
  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • Safety Health & Environment Board Committee
  • Executive Remuneration & Capability Committee
  • Infrastructure & Assets Committee

Access to our original documents is only available on premises and by appointment.

Requests can be made in writing to:

Authorised Freedom of Information Officer

Gippsland Water

55 Hazelwood Rd

Traralgon Vic 3844

Phone: 1800 050 500

Submit a request

To submit a request, please fill out the Freedom of Information request form and email it to . 

You can use this form to request information on behalf of another individual.