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Warragul and Drouin are two of the fastest growing towns in our region. We’re building water and wastewater infrastructure to keep ahead of this growth. The Warragul western ring main project is an essential part of this work.
The pipeline will assist development in the south-west growth corridor of Warragul. It will also increase the volume and security of water supplies for the growing town of Drouin.
Further extensions of the pipeline to our south basin on Warragul-Korumburra Road may be undertaken in the future, in line with local urban development.

Fast facts
We're building a major new 4.3 km water main on the western side of Warragul. The water main will be constructed around existing urban areas to provide an additional main to supply water to the township of Drouin.
Location: The pipeline travels in a north-westerly direction through road reserves from Butlers Track to the railway crossing on Lardners Track.
Timing: Construction begins in autumn 2022, with completion expected in late 2023.
More information
The pipeline will:
- Provide an alternative supply line for maintenance or emergency work on the existing Warragul mains, avoiding interruptions to customers’ water supply
- Link Drouin to the new Moe-Warragul interconnect, which allows us to supply water from multiple sources
- Facilitate growth in Drouin and the south-west corridor of Warragul.
We're actively working to protect environmental and cultural heritage values as we carry out these works. We’ve completed environmental assessments, including targeted studies for Giant Gippsland Earthworms, Warragul Burrowing Crayfish and Strzelecki Gums.
We’ll make sure our work causes minimal disruption to these important local species by using underground boring and keeping the route along previously disturbed areas of road reserves where possible. We’re working with Traditional Owners to protect cultural heritage and any artefacts found. The work has received all the required planning and environmental approvals.
We've engaged with residents and stakeholders while planning for this work, including consulting residents along the pipe route. We’ve also worked with Baw Baw Shire Council, and road and rail authorities. We welcome further feedback and enquiries from the community at any time in the process.
2019-20 (Completed)
- Preliminary planning and consultation
2020-21 (Completed)
- Detailed planning and design
2021 (Completed)
- Final approvals
- Construction commences
- Construction completed
For more information, email contactus@gippswater.com.au or call 1800 050 500.