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What is a pressure sewer system?
A pressure sewer system is an economical and environmentally-friendly way of collecting, transporting and disposing of wastewater from households used in some parts of Gippsland including Loch Sport, Coongulla, Glenmaggie and Seaspray.
A pressure sewer system consists of a pump unit, connected to a network of pipes along with other pump units in your area. These pipes transfer wastewater to a wastewater treatment facility.
The system collects wastewater from your toilet, sink, shower, bath, dishwasher and washing machine.
What makes up the sewerage system on my property?
The system consists of four key components on your property:
- a collection tank and pump unit
- a pump control unit,
- the discharge pipe, and
- a property boundary kit, which prevents wastewater flowing back into your system.

Homeowner's manual
Find out how you can keep your pressure sewer system working at its best and what to do in case of an alarm or fault.
Frequently asked questions
To avoid blockages, do not place fats, oils, chemicals or any physical objects like wipes, nappies, sanitary napkins, tampons or food scraps in your system.
You can access a copy of our Home Owner’s manual.
The manual also describes basic maintenance and what to do in the event of the system alarm sounding.
If you believe you have a fault, call us on 1800 057 057.
If you are going to be away for a week or more you should flush the system out before you leave. Run about 50 litres of water through the system from the bath or shower, then turn off the water and allow your pump unit to run until it shuts off automatically.
When you leave have either:
- BOTH the mains power and water supply turned OFF, or
- BOTH the mains power and water supply turned ON.
An increase in wastewater from more visitors will not harm the system, although the pump will run more frequently.
Depending on the proposal, a single pump unit may be able to handle an additional small dwelling or bathroom. You should seek our advice during the planning stages of your development for specific advice.
Emptying a pool or spa may release more water than the pump can handle, triggering the alarm. You may need to increase the capacity of your system. Please contact us on 1800 050 500 to discuss.
You need to plan so that temporary or permanent structures are not built over the collection tank lid or discharge line.
Please email us for current connection fees and charges and for help to understand the process.
Applications for Pressure Sewer Systems can be submitted using the Water and Wastewater Connection Application form.
Loch Sport has a pressure sewer system, which is different to the sewer system in most other towns and cities.
Many Loch Sport properties are not occupied full time which means there’s a lower volume in the sewer lines compared to other towns. There’s also no reticulated water supply and the sewerage must be pumped long distance along a fairly flat sewer line. All of these conditions meant that a pressure sewer system was the best, most economical and environmentally friendly system for Loch Sport.