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Construction of assets by accredited pipelayers
Below you will find our listing of accredited pipelayers.
These contractors are approved to install assets that will be owned and maintained by us. These contractors can help you if you have been told to install minor works or a Form 3A sewer point cut in.
If you require the extension of water and/or sewer mains, please refer to an accredited design consultant.
Information for accredited pipelayers
If you are an accredited pipelayer, please refer to information for accredited pipelayers.
Pipelayer accreditation
If you wish to become accredited, please refer to getting accredited.
Accredited pipelayers
The following pipelayers have been accredited by us:
Company name | Address | Phone | |
AAD Civil Constructions | 30 Sanders Road Garfield North VIC 3814 |
0419 591 254 | admin@aadcivil.com.au |
Able Drainage | PO Box 21 Garfield VIC 3814 | 5629 2480 | admin@fjbmarsh.com.au |
Auscivil Pty. Ltd. | PO Box 491 Warragul VIC 3820 | 5618 3233 | accounts@janagroup.com.au |
Battista Plumbing & Gasfitting | PO Box 207 Moe VIC 3825 | 5127 6210 | battista@netspace.net.au |
BJ Plumbing Pty Ltd | PO Box 878 Traralgon VIC 3844 | 5174 7670 | brian@bjplumbing.com.au |
BRYCO Civil Construction Pty Ltd | 33 Middle Road Trafalgar 3824 | 0412 292 587 | hayden@brycodw.com |
Burns Pipelines Pty Ltd | 1580 Inverloch-Venus Bay Road Tarwin Lower VIC 3956 | 0417 435 008 | admin@burnspipelines.com.au |
CKE - Clint Kelly Excavations Pty Ltd | 32 Fitzpatricks Road Montgomery VIC 3851 |
5143 0758 | clintkelly1@aussiebroadband.com.au |
Connell Civil Group Pty Ltd | Sallie Payne 1/4 Turbo Drive Bayswater North VIC 3153 | 9720 1233 | info@connellcivil.com |
CRE Excavations | PO Box 276 Drouin VIC 3818 | 0408 268 366 | accounts@cre.net.au |
Delplant Civil Contactors | Factory 1, 4 Len Thomas Place or PO Box 1322 Narre Warren VIC 3805 |
9796 0700 | tender@delplant.com.au |
DR & JP Stevens | PO Box 1095 Upwey VIC 3158 | 0409 566 008 | djstevens25@bigpond.com |
FLO-TEK Pty Ltd | PO Box 186 Yea VIC 3717 | 0428 848 208 | nicole@ockyscivilworks.com |
Fulton Hogan | PO Box 690 Dandenong VIC 3175 | 8791 1111 | David.Stodal@fultonhogan.com.au |
HCM Constructions Pty Ltd | PO Box 1629 Traralgon VIC 3844 | 5134 2777 | laurieh@hcmconstructions.com.au |
Jaco Trenching & Boring | 8 Pearse Street or PO Box 460 Warragul VIC 3820 |
5622 1026 | admin@jacotrenching.com.au |
Kim Rees | PO Box 348 Drouin VIC 3818 | 5625 3060 | admin@knjrees.com.au |
Land Engineering Pty Ltd | PO Box 108 Hastings VIC 3915 | 5979 7200 | kris.mccall@landengineering.net.au |
Mad Cat Constructions | PO Box 823 Warragul VIC 3820 | 0400 655 611 | trevor@madcatgroup.com.au |
Maffra Trenching & Boring | 54-56 Eastern Road or PO Box 2152 Traralgon VIC 3844 |
5174 4108 | bore1@mtb.com.au |
Millers Plumbing Pty Ltd | PO Box 494 Morwell VIC 3840 | 5134 4322 | ric@millersplumbing.com.au |
Morrison Civil Constructions | 78 Dawson Drive Warragul VIC 3820 | 0409 552 002 | jamie@morrisoncivilconstructions.com.au |
New Plumbing Solutions | 20 Pearce Street, Warragul VIC 3820 |
0404 047 155 | j.tomich@newplumbing.com.au |
PSSA | 58 Healey Road Dandenong South VIC 3175 |
9768 2550 | mary.b@pssaust.com |
Quinn Civil Pty Ltd | PO Box 1160 Narre Warren 3805 | 8770 9500 | christine@quinncivil.com.au |
Sure Constructions | 9 Burke Street Warragul VIC 3820 | 5623 4053 | MMonacella@sureconstructions.com.au |
Tequa - Sale | 351 Raglan Street or PO Box 1312 Sale VIC 3850 |
5143 2666 | adam.helmke@tequa.au |
Tequa - Traralgon | 25-27 Stratton Drive or PO Box 9228 Traralgon VIC 3844 |
5176 0666 | adam.helmke@tequa.au |
Trenack - Excavations & Plant Hire | PO Box 3063 Morwell VIC 3841 | 5134 8253 | trenack@wideband.net.au |