We have facilities in diverse and environmentally significant locations across central Gippsland.
Areas surrounding water storages can provide opportunities for bushwalking, barbeques, swimming, boating and fishing. Our treatment lagoons provide a safe habitat for a wide variety of water birds.
We try to provide public access for groups, families and individuals to visit and enjoy these unique environments where possible.
Moondarra Reservoir
Moondarra Reservoir is our largest catchment and storage reservoir.
We maintain access to parts of our land at Moondarra Reservoir for bushwalking, walking or jogging and picnics. Facilities include barbecues, picnic tables, toilets and lookout areas.
These are great areas to enjoy a range of individual or family activities.
North of the dam spillway is the start of the Wirilda walking track, a 14km bushwalk which generally follows the Tyers River to our pumping station at the Wirilda Environmental Park.

Shared water, shared facilities
Our storages and settlement ponds at our treatment plants attract a rich variety of birdlife. By special arrangement we can organise for groups to observe the birdlife or participate in bird counting surveys. We are also considering permanent and accessible bird hides at some sites.
Enquire about accessing our sites.
Bird hide at Drouin wastewater treatment plant
A publicly accessible bird hide is located adjacent to our Drouin wastewater treatment plant. The hide overlooks the treatment lagoons with their abundant birdlife. Access is from Settlement Road, 150m west of the main entrance to the wastewater treatment plant.
The bird hide includes accessible design features, allowing it to be enjoyed by the whole community, including people who use a wheelchair.
Community partners
Our support for an active community involves collaboration on projects aimed at increasing or protecting recreational activity and enjoyment. Recent projects have included:
- Working with the Friends of Tyers Park who maintain the Wirilda Walking Track.
- Maintaining road access to Tyers pump station, through Wirilda Wilderness Park that benefits both us and park visitors. We also maintain a number of roads in Tyers State Park that benefit park users.
- Collaborating with Southern Rural Water, Tanjil Landcare Group, West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, graziers and Baw Baw Shire Council to protect Blue Rock Lake from pollutants by planting a gully with native shrubs and grasses to manage pollution for both recreational use in the storage and protect water quality.
- Collaborating with the Tanjil Landcare Group who built and maintain the Blue Rock Walking track around Blue Rock Reservoir. We have donated plants to complement their work on the popular track.
- Facilitating water bird surveys by Field and Game at our land adjacent to the State Game Reserve and lakes at Dutson.