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We’re planning for the future and the expected growth in Traralgon, Morwell and surrounding towns, strengthening the water supply to the towns with a series of major infrastructure projects.
To meet the water supply needs of Glengarry, Toogabbie, Cowwarr and Rosedale we’re connecting them to the Traralgon water supply.
With more towns relying on the Traralgon water supply, we need additional water storages to meet the increased demand.
We’re constructing a 50 megalitre treated water storage at our Clarkes Road site to secure the water supply for these towns into the future.
The additional storage will take pressure off the Traralgon water treatment plant which can struggle to meet demand in the peak of summer.
The new basin is one of the big infrastructure upgrades to secure the water supply for , Traralgon, Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie, Cowwarr and Rosedale .
Fast facts
We’re building a new 50 megalitre treated water storage to strengthen the water supply to Traralgon, Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie, Cowwarr and Rosedale.
Location: Clarke’s Road Traralgon
Timing: 2024-25 until 2027-28.
More information
Customer benefits
More secure water supply for these growing towns into the future.
Enough treated water stored to supply peak day demands.
Consultation and engagement
We’ll be regularly consulting with relevant authorities and stakeholders.
We welcome direct comments and enquiries from the community at any time.
Environment and cultural heritage
Like with all our works, we want to minimise environmental and cultural heritage impacts.
Things we’re doing to minimise our environmental and cultural heritage impacts include:
- Undertake relevant cultural heritage assessments
- Complete environmental assessments
We’ll work with our contractors to implement Construction Environmental Management Plans during the works to ensure we minimise our environmental impact.
Project timing
We expect construction to start in 2024-25 and be complete by 2027-28.
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