Jump to topic Learning materials Threatened species Learning materials Learn about the threatened species we're working to protect Have fun learning about local flora and fauna with our interactive activity sheets, colouring in pages and Spotto game. Find out more Threatened species We work with agencies and interested groups to study and protect threatened species that call Gippsland home. Pookila A small, terrestrial burrowing native rodent. Find out more Green and golden bell frog A large frog with a smooth, green back, gold markings and a light belly. Find out more Trailing hop-bush A prostrate shrub native to south-eastern Australia. Find out more Dwarf kerrawang A tap-rooted, prostrate shrub with trailing branches of up to two meters long. Find out more Wellington mint-bush An erect, spreading sub-shrub, growing to two metres high. Find out more Metallic sun orchid The largest of the sun-orchid family. Find out more