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Here you'll find updates on our current works. Click on your town to see the works planned near you.
View planned and live works and repairs on our outage map:
If you're experiencing problems with your service or suspect a leak, even if it's on public land, contact us so we can look into the issue - please call our 24/7 faults and emergencies line on 1800 057 057.
You can also phone this number if you see suspicious behaviour or vandalism around our treatment plants, water storages or other property.
Found a fault?
Basin liner replacement
We're preparing for the water storage basin to be taken offline while we complete the works to replace the liner. Our works are within the basin site, but there may be additional traffic in the area. There should not be any impact to our customers water supply.
Sewer main maintenance, replacement and upgrades
This week, we'll be carrying out sewer main upgrades in the following streets:
- Central Ave
Water main maintenance, replacement and upgrades
This week, we'll be carrying out water main upgrades in the following streets:
- Kerr St
- Pinch St
- Surkitt Bvd
Clarkes Rd Basin
We're about to start work to upgrade the Clarkes treated water basin. We'll be working within the basin site, but there may be additional traffic in the area. There should not be any impact to our customers water supply.
Regional Outfall System renewal
We're working to replace the Regional Outfall System (ROS) pipeline between Tyers Road and Cross’s Rd.
North-east sewer and wastewater treatment plant upgrade
We’re replacing a section of the sewer main in the north-east of Warragul to allow for growth.
This week, our work will be around Albert Road. Traffic management will be in place. Take care, obey road signs and keep an eye out for updates on message boards in the area.
Sewer main cleaning and maintenance
This week, we'll be carrying out sewer main cleaning in the following streets:
- Davine St, 3/4
- Jamieson St, 3, 13, 16, 17, 2/20, 4/23
- Lawson Cr, 3, 11, 23, 29
- Melzak way, 4, 7, 12
- North Rd, 3, 2/5, 8, 19, 31, 37, 45, 61
- Paulan Ct, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 19
- Pettit St, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 22, 23, 28, 30
- Roberts Ct, 1, 2, 3, 6
- Ruby Cl, 6, 9, 13
- Skewes Ct, 6, 9
- Steward St, 6
- Sutton St, 240, 252, 262, 266
- Tatterson Ct, 3, 4
- Teese St, 2, 4