Connecting a new property

Applications for connecting a new property

Connection process 

Where our assets are available for connection, please submit a water and/or wastewater connection application. You can use the 8-step application above or you can register for our Building and Development Online Services and submit an online application.

Once you submit, we will contact you with the costs to connect. We require your building, extension or development plans to help us assess these costs.  

If you want to connect a development that's more complicated than a standard house, it's a good idea to engage a hydraulic consultant. They can:

  • work out the best sized water connection and meter for your needs
  • design any onsite infrastructure you need
  • assess the backflow prevention requirements
  • provide a hydraulic services design plan.

Please also refer to the information below for your connection type.

When application fees are paid, we will process included meter connection(s) and approve your plumber to connect plumbing and drains.

Water and wastewater connection application

  • 1. Current Applicant details
  • 2. Property owner details
  • 3. Property details
  • 4. Details of licensed plumber
  • 5. Connections required
  • 6. Required attachments
  • 7. Payment method
  • 8. Complete

Connection fees

Please refer to a listing of our connection fees

Pricing is regulated by the Essential Services Commission and is reviewed every financial year.

You may contact our Property Connections team on (03) 5177 4648 or email us for any help you need.

Type of connection

For standard residential connections, you must submit the water and/or wastewater connection application (see above), attaching a clear siting plan that includes measurements of driveways and crossovers.  This is to ensure that our assets are kept clear where required.

You can request the location of our assets by making a locate assets request

Our contractor undertakes the water meter connection works, and your nominated plumber undertakes wastewater connection (we must give consent to your plumber to complete these plumbing works). Please speak with your plumber or builder before submitting an application.

The property must be in correct ownership before we undertake the connection.  If the property settlement has not yet occurred, the application cannot be made.

For any below ground plumbing alterations please contact a licensed plumber. 

Your plumber will need to apply for our consent to the alteration works (and supply us a siting plan of any new buildings or extensions).

An alteration application can be submitted to us, using the above water and/or wastewater connection application. 

If you require any alterations to your water meter location please email us and include photos of the water meter location, reason for relocation and a plan showing where you would like it moved.

Plumbers are not permitted to alter our water meter or service pipe.

Things to consider

To ensure we're able to relocate your water meter to your preferred location we have created a list to help you consider the fees, and clearance requirements that may apply to your property:

  • Costs to relocate are at the owner’s expense.
  • Moving your meter less than 1.0m to the left or right of the current location incurs a lower fee than moving your meter further away. (This option is not always available).
  • If the preferred new position is below ground level; a Water Corporation approved pit/box is required. Fees for the pit apply. (This option is not always available).
  • The new water meter position cannot be more than 1.5m from the front boundary line.
  • We will also consider the accessibility to our water main located (either) in your nature strip/frontage or opposite side of the road.
  • Plumbing costs to reconnect are in addition to our fees and privately sought.

We need to determine if water is available and if special conditions apply to the connection of rural property.

In some towns and localities a New Customer Contribution charge may apply from 1 July 2023. See our New Customer Contribution page for further information.

We do not supply additional meters for agistment or lease arrangements on rural titles.

If you require water connection of a rural property please email us and include a copy of title to assist us in locating your property. We will determine if connection is available.

We need to price and apply conditions to the connection of units or separate occupancy development.

In some towns and localities a New Customer Contribution charge may apply. See our New Customer Contribution page for further information.

You can obtain these prices by submitting the above water and/or wastewater connection application form.

We will only accept these applications with the following documentation:

  • Council endorsed/stamped site plans; and
  • A proposed plan of subdivision including the Owners Corporation Schedule (if the Building site plan(s) clearly outline common property).

We need to price and apply conditions to the connection of land development.

In some towns and localities a New Customer Contribution charge may apply. See our New Customer Contribution page for further information.

You can obtain these prices by submitting the above water and/or wastewater connection application form.

Where your planning permit has advised that main extensions apply please refer to Find an accredited design consultant

We will only accept these applications with the following documentation:

  • Proposed plan of subdivision and applicable Owners Corporation Schedules if common property is included.

We need to price and apply conditions to the connection of commercial/industrial development.

  • You MUST first seek the advice of a hydraulic consultant and licensed plumber.
  • It is the nominated plumber’s responsibility to conduct a site assessment in accordance with Plumbing Regulations and Australian Standards; to determine the requirement for backflow prevention, pressure reduction devices and to ensure the appropriate sizing of service connections.

Your consultant or plumber may require an initial application for Pressures and flows information

Once advice has been sought we will only accept an application with the following documentation:

  • Council endorsed/stamped site plans or building permit submitted drawings, and
  • Hydraulic Plans or specific fire/general service sizing noted; and
  • (if applicable) A proposed plan of subdivision including the Owners Corporation Schedule (if the Building site plan(s) clearly outline common property).
  • A backflow registration form must be completed with high hazard protection on all general services in Industrial areas.

Trade Waste Agreement

The Water Act 1989 requires any business discharging waste to sewer to enter into a Trade Waste Agreement with us. The agreement outlines the conditions under which we will consent to the discharge of trade waste to our system.

For example, businesses will be required to regularly pump grease and oil from their interceptors and remove the waste material from site.

Please refer to the requirements at Commercial trade waste.

Accredited pipelaying contractors can submit this Form 3A for cutting in, altering or terminating a sewer branch.

The following information is required with this application for approval:

  • Date and time of works
  • Site development plan detailing property location, location of sewer pipe to be cut in, type and size of sewer main, natural surface and invert levels, type of connection proposed (e.g. 2A, 4A), and measurements of cut-in from title boundaries.
  • Reason for works (eg. subdivision, sewer tie cutback, relocation)