Water supply

How we keep your drinking water safe

Water treatment

We have 14 water treatment plants which supply water to more than 75,000 properties through more than 2,000 kilometres of water mains.

The way water is treated depends on where it is sourced. We take water from aquifers (ground water), rivers, creeks and reservoirs. Our largest storage is Moondarra Reservoir, south of Erica.

We also take water from storages managed by Southern Rural Water (Blue Rock Dam and Lake Glenmaggie) and Melbourne Water (Tarago Reservoir) to supply our customers living near these sites.

Our water is independently tested at the treatment plant, in our water mains, and at customers’ taps to ensure it meets the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 and doesn't deteriorate after it leaves the treatment plant. The water is tested for microbiological, chemical and physical parameters.

Sale water treatment plant
Sale water treatment plant

Water storage levels

Water storage: Moondarra 23,560 ML Today's storage level
This week 78.9%
Last week 81%
Data date: 3/03/2025
Water storage: Blue Rock (SRW) 198,280 ML Today's storage level
This week 81%
Last week 81%
Data date: 3/03/2025
Water storage: Glenmaggie (SRW) 177,640 ML Today's storage level
This week 64%
Last week 65%
Data date: 3/03/2025
Water storage: Tarago (Melb Water) 34,905 ML Today's storage level
This week 92.9%
Last week 93.4%
Data date: 3/03/2025
BORE LEVEL: BRIAGOLONG BORE NO1 5.3 m This week's average level
This week 5.3 m
Last week 5.44 m
Data date: 3/03/2025


Water Supply System
Mirboo North (Little Morwell River)
Moe (Narracan Creek)
Moondarra (Tyers River)
Seaspray (Merriman Creek)
Data date: 3 March 2025
ML/d = megalitres per day. One megalitre is one million litres.

Rainfall outlook

Monthly rainfall information from the Bureau of Meteorology

Last seven day's rainfall from the Bureau of Meteorology

Water releases

The Moondarra Reservoir has a spillway that allows flood waters to spill when the storage is at full capacity. The Moondarra Reservoir doesn't have the infrastructure to pre-release water prior to flood events. We monitor storage capacity before, during and after any flood event and respond as required.

Water planning for the future - Urban Water Strategy

The Urban Water Strategy (UWS) is our principal water resources planning document. The UWS identifies what we need to do to ensure urban and industrial water availability, and sewer system capacity, in our region for the next 50 years. 

To learn more see our action plan or read our full strategy report.

Explore our interactive map

Use the map to explore and learn more about our water supply and sewerage systems and find out where your water comes from and where your wastewater goes.

Watch our instructional video to learn how to use our tool.

Explore now

A demonstration of what the interactive map for our Urban Water Strategy 2022 looks like.
Our new interactive map is a supporting tool for our Urban Water Strategy 2022.

Annual Water Outlook

Read our Annual Water Outlook.