The trailing hop–bush (Dodonaea procumbens) is a prostrate shrub endemic to south-eastern Australia (Carter 2010). The trailing hop–bush is listed as vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) 1999.
It is commonly dioecious (separate male and female plants) and can grow up to 1.5m in diameter and 20cm in height. It has angular or flattened, sometimes weakly ribbed stems, often rooting at the nodes. The leaves are simple, 8–30mm long and 4–9mm wide, usually with two angular teeth at the distal end. Flowers are solitary or paired and distally placed (Walsh and Entlwisle 1999).
Up until recently, the trailing hop-bush was thought to be extinct in the wild in the eastern half of Victoria. In October 2009 it was discovered at Dutson Downs during field investigations for our Dutson Downs Bushfire Management Plan (GHD 2009). A further study has confirmed that there are populations at a minimum of five wetlands within Dutson Downs, with populations estimated to range between seven and 680 individual plants (GHD 2010).